El Papa Francisco transmite sus oraciones y condolencias por los incendios en Los Ángeles
El Papa Francisco expresó este sábado sus condolencias a las comunidades de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos) afectadas por los devastadores incendios forestales que han destruido hogares y templos, incluida la histórica iglesia católica de Corpus Christi.
Los Angeles archbishop: Catholics called to be God’s ‘instruments’ during deadly wildfires
Fires in suburban Los Angeles are continuing to burn and lay waste to entire neighborhoods as Archbishop José Gomez on Thursday urged Catholics to remember the preciousness of human life and to make themselves “instruments” of God amid the devastation.
‘Families who have lost everything’: Los Angeles Archdiocese responds to deadly wildfires
Archdiocesan officials and local Church leaders in Los Angeles are working to shelter and assist victims of the ongoing wildfires there as the blaze consumes entire neighborhoods and lays waste to significant portions of the suburban area.
Católicos se movilizan para ayudar a las víctimas de los incendios de Los Ángeles
a agencia oficial de ayuda de la Iglesia católica en EE.UU. y miembro de Caritas Internationalis, la red mundial de organizaciones humanitarias de la Iglesia — está aceptando donativos para su iniciativa de ayuda a las víctimas del incendio forestal de Los Ángeles, a la que se puede acceder a través del sitio web de la agencia en catholiccharitiesusa.org.
Los Angeles archbishop urges continuous prayers as officials battle massive fires in area
Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez is calling for continuous prayer lifting up those suffering from and combating the massive fires currently devastating the region.
Baldwin Park priest experiences ‘miracle’ Achilles injury cure
A 38-year-old Baldwin Park priest said he experienced what the Catholic Church is calling a miraculous recovery from a basketball injury.
Priest healed by Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati shares experience in press conference with Archbishop Gomez, Frassati’s niece
n a Dec. 16 press conference, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez presented a local priest — Fr. Juan Miguel Gutierrez — who was healed through the intercession of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati while in seminary. The healing was the second approved miracle needed to pave the way for Bl. Frassati’s canonization in 2025.
SUBSCRIBER ONLY Baldwin Park priest recipient of miracle from soon-to-be saint, Pope declares
A Baldwin Park priest’s unexplainable recovery from an Achilles tear in 2017 has led to the canonization of a new saint.
Miracle in Los Angeles: Priest recounts Frassati’s intercession in healing
“Prayer works … and God is always listening to our prayers,” said a Los Angeles priest, who as a seminarian experienced a miraculous healing that led to the upcoming canonization of a much beloved Italian youth.
El beato Pier Giorgio Frassati será declarado santo tras milagro de sanación de seminarista en Los Ángeles
El famoso beato Pier Giorgio Frassati será proclamado santo en agosto del próximo año tras un milagro de sanación de un seminarista de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles.