Imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe “visitó” cárcel de mujeres en Estados Unidos
Una imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe “visitó” una cárcel de mujeres en Lynwood, California (Estados Unidos) llamada Century Regional Women Detention Facility el pasado 27 de noviembre para llevar a las presas un mensaje de amor y perdón.
Este domingo, procesión de la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego en Los Ángeles
Hace unos meses viajó en bote desde Long Beach hasta la Isla Catalina para visitar por primera vez la iglesia Catherine de Alexandria en esa ciudad.
Los Angeles is home to the only relic of the “tilma” (cloak) where the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe miraculously appeared outside of Mexico …
USCCB leaders seek prayers for migrants, refugees on Guadalupe feast
Prayer services and special Masses will be held in many dioceses across the country as the U.S. Catholic Church has asked that the Dec. 12 feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe be a day of prayer with a focus on migrants and refugees.
Virgin of Guadalupe visits women in LA jail
The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe made its way through the narrow halls of the Century Regional Women Detention Facility in Lynwood, California on Sunday, Nov. 27.
At Thanksgiving, Americans ‘united in debt we owe to God,’ say prelates
The president and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Nov. 23 that Thanksgiving Day is a time for the nation to pause and “give God thanks for the abundant blessings he has bestowed upon us.”
As door closes on Year of Mercy, Catholics reflect on its legacy
Hundreds filled the front steps of the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis on November 20 following Mass to witness the closing of the church’s Holy Doors, marking the end of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy.
L.A.’s quiet archbishop has a message for immigrants, and prayers for president-elect Trump
he archbishop spoke with a patience that belied his frustration.
“My dear brothers and sisters,” he said to the congregation that had gathered at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on the Thursday evening after the presidential election. “We are here tonight because our people are hurting, and they feel afraid.”
Archbishop José H. Gomez ‘Tonight, our brothers and sisters are hurting and afraid’
We are here tonight because our people are hurting and they feel afraid. We are here to listen to their voices, because they feel they are being forgotten.
New US bishops’ leader to immigrants: We have your back LeGlobalIsTe
The upshot is that while Francis has begun naming bishops and promoting cardinals who share his vision for the church, observers say it will likely take another couple of years and perhaps 20 to 30 more appointments to the almost 300-member hierarchy before Catholics would see a definite “Francis effect” on elections of USCCB leaders. LeGlobalIsTe http://leglobaliste.com/2016/11/20/new-us-bishops-leader-to-immigrants-we-have-your-back/