Empieza la Cuaresma con el Miércoles de Ceniza
Miles de cristianos de todo el sur de California observan este miércoles como el día del inicio de la Cuaresma con la tradicional costumbre del Miércoles de Ceniza.
La Cuaresma es la preparación de los 40 días con la que los fieles se alistan para la Pascua a través de penitencias por sus pecados y la búsqueda de la renovación espiritual mediante la oración, la abnegación y las buenas obras.
Archbishop Gomez Asks Southland Catholics to Reflect on Beatitudes During Lent
Roman Catholic Archbishop Jose Gomez will celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass at noon in English at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, where Mass will be also celebrated in English at 5:15 p.m. and at 7 p.m. in Spanish.
Ash Wednesday kicks off Christian season of Lent
LOS ANGELES >> Christians throughout the Southland will observe Ash Wednesday today, beginning the 40-day season of Lent, when the faithful prepare for Easter by doing penance for sins and seeking spiritual renewal through prayer, self-denial and good works.
At Cathedral HS: ‘STEM’ activity offers lessons in collaboration
Groups of students huddled together around tables in Cathedral High School’s gym, using teamwork and science skills to tackle the morning’s project: building a 24-inch-tall tower designed to withstand earthquake simulation.
‘This is where my passion lies’
For Sergio Martinez, every Sunday at Sacred Heart Church, Pomona, “feels like coming home.” His wife Cecilia was baptized here; the couple was married here 18 years ago; and they continue to serve here in many ways.
How to stay married 82 years? ‘Keep busy but stay happy’
Worldwide Marriage Encounter’s 2014 Longest Married Couple Project Winners, Harold & Edna Owings of Burbank, look at a bowl of 82 Baby Ruth candy bars — one for every year of their marriage.
Upbeat future for priesthood? 3 California seminarians who answered call
Camarillo, California (CNN) — In the Catholic Church’s effort to remedy its shortage of clergy, Juan Jose Ochoa is a seminarian planning to become a priest, part of a trend of rising national enrollment in seminaries, though graduation rates remains low.
Faith & Popcorn
It’s a cardinal rule among Hollywood producers: Never spend your own money. But Mark Burnett and Roma Downey have other rules they live by. Commandments, to be precise. And last summer their religious faith told them to double down on the Bible.
Catholics, evangelicals team up in pressing for immigration reform
WASHINGTON In a joint letter to members of Congress, Catholic bishops and evangelical leaders pleaded for “common sense fixes to our immigration policies” by passing legislation this year.
Solo música, sin debates
Dos orquestas sinfónicas y una sola sinfonía. Música, arte y emoción. Los debates políticos quedaron fuera.
La Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar de Venezuela (OSSBV) y la Youth Orchestra LA (YOLA) lograron elevar la emoción de los asistentes a la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles, en donde ayer ofrecieron un concierto gratis.