Archbishop: Government frustrates pastoral care for child migrants
U.S. authorities are working poorly with Catholic efforts to provide pastoral care to underage immigrants detained near Los Angeles, the city’s archbishop, Jose Gomez, wrote on Thursday.
“Our Church has been trying to respond to this situation in a spirit of cooperation and generosity,” Archbishop Gomez said in his July 10 column at The Tidings.
La Purísima hosts ‘step back in time’ events
Three events that enable visitors to glimpse California Mission life “once upon a time” will be presented this summer at La Purísima Mission State Historic Park in Lompoc.
“Purísima’s People Day” (July 12 and Sept. 6, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.) allows visitors to “step back in time” to 1822, and interact with costumed re-enactors who portray the people who called La Purisima Mission home — Padre Payeras, the Mayordomo, a blacksmith, and the women and children completing their daily chores.
Sin cancha y sin recursos equipo de fútbol angelino logra lo imposible
Mientras los ojos de millones de fanáticos del fútbol se posan sobre Brasil, uno de las hazañas más increíbles del balompié está sucediendo en el sur de California.
Un equipo de fútbol perteneciente a una escuela católica compuesta por 16 jóvenes entre las edades de 8 a 14 años, que carece de los recursos más básicos para entrenarse antes de cada temporada , ha establecido un nuevo récord en la liga de fútbol católica del condado de Los Ángeles.
Finding faith in the San Fernando Valley, July 11-18, 2014
Pilgrimage of the relic of Santo Toribio: A statue of the saint, with the left ankle bone of the saint encased inside, is on loan from the saint’s home parish in Jalisco, Mexico, to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Photos: Hundreds of Dogs Invited to Dog Day Afternoon at Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels in Los Angeles Posted Jul 09, 2014
Several hundred dogs and owners visited the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels for the 8th Annual Dog Day Afternoon. Hundreds of dogs and owners came together at the annual event hosted by the Downtown Center Business Improvement District and the Cathedral. The social event included mingling, costumed participants, and music.
The Jeduthun “Singing Boholano Priests” will perform at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W. Temple St., in downtown Los Angeles at …
Downtown’s Urban Pioneers and Pups
Sure, all the hip new bars, restaurants, and residences have been an important factor in Downtown LA’s revitalization. But don’t discount the role that dogs have played in giving the area a new leash on life.
Photos: Downtown Dogs Get Gussied Up And Strut Their Stuff
If you’re having a ruff day, these pawesome downtown dogs might brighten your day. For the past eight years, dog owners and their pooches have been gathering at downtown at a cathedral plaza as part of the city’s “Dog Day Afternoon.” And on Wednesday afternoon, a bevy of dapper pups showed off their best tuxedos and badass baseball caps.
A time for tenderness and hospitality
The immigration “issue” is not going away because immigration is more than a political issue. Every day we hear new stories of personal tragedy and families who are suffering because of our broken immigration system.
Immigration reform issue brings about local, regional action
The battle for comprehensive immigration reform took on a more urgent and in some cases heated tone in recent days with several rallies and assemblies drawing support and opposition.