Bells to Be Rung to Mark King Assassination Anniversary
Bells will be rung at 4:01 p.m. today at various churches and other institutions in Los Angeles County as part of a worldwide effort to recognize the 50th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
The bells will be rung 39 times, signifying the number of years he lived, at the exact time when he died.
Arzobispo de Los Ángeles firma 17 nuevos protocolos relacionados con nativos americanos
Mons. José Horacio Gómez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles, EE.UU., firmó el pasado jueves 29 de marzo 17 protocolos que reconocen a los nativos americanos de California como la ‘Primera gente de la Tierra’ y ofrece lineamientos para el servicio pastoral en sus comunidades.
Contenido publicado en es.gaudiumpress.org, en el enlace http://es.gaudiumpress.org/content/94200#ixzz5BuxC7Tjj
Se autoriza su publicación desde que cite la fuente. -
AMERICA UNITED STATES-A Guide to include Native Americans in Catholic Pastoral Care
Recently the archdiocese of Los Angeles issued a Pastoral Guide for communities of Native Americans. During a rally for Urban Native Americans held at Kuruvungna Cultural Springs Centre, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, José Gomez, signed 17 Instructions recognising Native Americans of California as the “First people of the land”.
Local Churches Ring Bells to Honor MLK
Two local churches, St. Mary of the Angels on Finley Avenue and Our Mother of Good Counsel on Vermont Avenue, will ring their bells at 4:01 p.m. today along with various other Los Angeles County churches as part of a worldwide effort to recognize the 50th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
Remembering our pastors
We invite you to please remember our deceased priests in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. And may they rest in peace.
Bells Across The Nation Toll 39 Times To Honor Martin Luther King Jr.
Fifty years to the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, cities across the United States honored him Wednesday with ceremonies and performances, as well as reflections on what today’s civil rights advocates can do to carry forward his legacy.
Girls’ soccer: J.Serra’s D’Aquila, Mission’s Lopez earn POY honors
San Gabriel Mission High School’s Southern California Regional championship team dominated the 2018 All-CIF Southern Section first team selections in girls’ soccer.
Tañerán campanas en Los Ángeles en honor a Martin Luther King
Las campanas tañerán este miércoles, a las 4:01 p.m., en varias iglesias y otras instituciones en el condado de Los Ángeles como parte de un esfuerzo mundial para reconocer el 50 aniversario del asesinato del líder de los derechos civiles Martin Luther King Jr.
Annual Blessing of the Animals in Los Angeles
Homer rides in a mini school bus during the annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony, presided over by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez in Los Angeles.
Monseñor Thomas J. Curry, obispo auxiliar de Los Ángeles (EEUU), se ha retirado por edad
El Papa Francisco ha aceptado la renuncia del obispo auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos, presentada por Mons. Thomas J. Curry, a sus 75 años.