Partió peregrinación desde Los Ángeles para visitar a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Un grupo de 140 feligreses de la archidiócesis de Los Ángeles, liderados por el arzobispo José Gómez, viajó hoy a México, donde el sábado día 8 visitará la Basílica de Guadalupe para entregar plegarias recogidas entre los angelinos.
U.S. Catholic Bishops Visit Children in Border Detention Facilities, Call for Reunification
A group of some of the most high-profile Catholic Bishops in the country took the time to minister to the immigrant children now being held at a detention center on the U.S.-Texas border. The bishops urgently called for steps to help these children get reunited with their families at the end of their two-day visit.
Partió peregrinación desde Los Ángeles para visitar a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Un grupo de 140 feligreses de la archidiócesis de Los Ángeles, liderados por el arzobispo José Gómez, viajó hoy a México, donde el sábado día 8 visitará la Basílica de Guadalupe para entregar plegarias recogidas entre los angelinos.
Diocese of Scranton Bishop Bambera visits Texas as part of delegation on family separation
A delegation from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops spent two days visiting with those on the front lines of Mexican-U.S. immigration, including children who have been separated from their parents, as part of a pastoral visit.
‘No more excuses’ for Congress’ failure to fix immigration system
Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles called on Congress to “fix our broken immigration system” in his homily during the archdiocese’s annual “Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants” June 24.
Bishops stress ‘urgent’ need to reunite children with parents after visiting border
In less than 48 hours, a group of Catholic bishops saw the faces of triumph and relief from migrants who had been recently released by immigration authorities, but ended their two-day journey to the border with a more “somber” experience, visiting detained migrant children living temporarily within the walls of a converted Walmart.
Los Angeles archbishop to lead pilgrimage to Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
For the second year and under the spiritual leadership of Archbishop José H. Gomez, 140 faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will begin a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, in Mexico City on Thursday July 5, 2018.
Catholic Bishops ‘deeply worried’ that 1,800 children remain separated from parents
A delegation of bishops led by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has been in the Rio Grande Valley to learn more about the separation and reunification of immigrant families.
Who is exercising their legal right to die in California?
Two years after California enacted a right-to-die law, more residents are using it — but they tend to be white and well-educated.
Obispos de Estados Unidos visitan a migrantes en la frontera con MĂ©xico
Un grupo de obispos de Estados Unidos visita esta semana la frontera con Mexico para encontrarse con los migrantes y conocer sus sufrimientos.