Doers of the Word: Meet the 2020 Cardinal’s award honorees
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first Cardinal’s Awards Dinner, which every year since 1990 has celebrated “extraordinary Catholics.” On Saturday, Feb. 29, six Cardinal’s Award recipients will be honored at the event, which is expected to bring more than 900 guests to the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
–Archdioceses offers digital resources to ‘help faithful in their Lenten journey’– Joining faithful around the world, Catholics in the tri-county Archdiocese of Los Angeles (Los …
The virtue of reality
There are many human virtues, but there are four on which all the others depend: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
Southern California Christians observe Ash Wednesday, beginning 40 days of Lent
Christians throughout Southern California will observe Ash Wednesday today, ushering in the 40-day season of Lent, when the faithful prepare for Easter by doing penance for sins and seeking spiritual renewal through prayer, discipline and good works.
L.A. Religious Education Congress speakers emphasize evangelizing, mercy
Sister Teresa Maya, one of the keynote speakers at the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles, spoke to thousands at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena Feb. 22 about her grandmother.
A Wave of Love: Family Reflection Video
Right before the Entrance Song began, I felt it and as I looked around, I could see others did too. A strong and clear sense of the Presence of God came over us as thousands of kids from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles were gathered for the Holy Eucharist last Thursday in Anaheim California, at their annual Youth Day.
Congregación para las Iglesias Orientales: Francisco nombra al nuevo secretario
El Santo Padre ha nombrado secretario de la Congregación para las Iglesias Orientales, con el título personal de arzobispo, a Mons. Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro, hasta ahora obispo de la Eparquía de Piana de los Albaneses de Sicilia y consultor del mencionado Dicasterio.
Lent and the recovery of virtue
There is a “true you,” the ultimate version of yourself that God wants you to realize in your life.
Abogados hacen la diferencia en la vida de menores no acompañados
Nolberto A.A., quien llegó a los Estados Unidos como un menor no acompañado cuando tenía 13 años, está convencido de que, si no hubiera tenido acceso a un abogado, hoy no sería residente permanente.
Congreso católico en Anaheim atrae a fieles de todo el mundo
Miles de fieles de todo el país y del mundo están reunidos durante este fin de semana en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa considerado el más grande de Estados Unidos.