July 2, 2024  |  By:   |  Press Releases  |  

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles lent a helping hand to the Vatican to help produce Pope Francis’ prayer
intention video for July. Every month, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network releases “The Pope Video”
to share the Holy Father’s prayer intentions. This month’s video is centered on the pastoral care of the sick
and the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. It was shared locally on Archbishop Gomez’s
(@archbishopgomez) and the Archdiocese’s social channels (@lacatholics), as well as online on the
Archdiocese’s website.

“We are grateful to support Pope Francis in inviting people all over the world to pray for those who are
sick and seek healing through the sacrament of anointing of the sick,” said Los Angeles Archbishop José
H. Gomez. “We pray that the comfort expressed in the Holy Father’s video may encourage more people to
turn to the Church in their time of need. In God’s plan of love, no one in our society should be left to suffer
alone. No one should be sick without someone to comfort them and try to ease their pain.”
In his video, Pope Francis reflects on the importance of the sacrament of the anointing of the sick for the
care of the sick and clarifies the significance for those receiving the sacrament who may be near death.
“When the priest draws near a person to perform the Anointing of the Sick, it is not necessarily to help
them say goodbye to life,” Pope Francis said. “Thinking this way means giving up every hope. It means
taking for granted that after the priest, the undertaker will arrive. It is Jesus himself who comes to relieve
those who are sick, to give them strength, to give them hope, to help them; and also, to forgive their sins.
And this is very beautiful.”

Sarah Yaklic, Chief Digital Officer for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, led the L.A. team who filmed
some of the moving images and scenes that brought the Holy Father’s prayer intention to life on video for
the millions of Catholic faithful around the world to unite in prayer in the month of July.
“Our vision in producing the video was to capture the compassion and healing found in the embrace of
sacramental grace,” explained Yaklic. “We hope our support of the Holy Father’s intention will inspire
more families to seek the support of their local Catholic community.”

Yaklic also noted that this video project had a special connection to her and her family, “this project will
remain deeply embedded in my heart. My team and I captured my Papa George’s Anointing of the Sick,
one week before he died. Knowing his legacy is part of the Church’s outreach to those who are sick and
suffering brings my family, and me, hope and deep joy.”

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